Tiptoe Primary

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Homework is set every Friday and the work needs to be submitted or signed off by Wednesday at the latest. If you find the homework tricky or need extra help, please ask an adult in class before the Wednesday it needs to be completed by.  


Year 5 will have games or activities on the google classroom page linked to what they are covering in class.

Year 6 will have an arithmetic paper to work through each week which we will go over as a group in class.


There will be one task per week which will normally be an extension of work covered in class or it will be a SPAG test online.  We can then look at the results as a class together.


Sometimes, a slightly longer piece of homework will be set which will be more creative.  This could be to make a historical artefact or a book linked to Literacy.


Reading is so very important so we expect a minimum of 4 reading sessions outside of school per week.  Your reading challenge booklet needs to be in school each day as it will be checked during the week.  We will stamp the records on a Monday and , if you have read at least 4 times that week, you will move your face along the reading challenge board.


Homework completed by Wednesday.

Reading challenge stamped on Monday.