Tiptoe Curriculum Intent
When planning our Tiptoe curriculum our team have considered the needs, interests, and experiences of our children and their families. Our aim is for our curriculum to be meaningful, memorable, and we encourage an enquiry based approach, so that our children are ready and well prepared for the next steps in their learning journey. We want to inspire enthusiasm for learning and to support children’s resilience, well –being, and happiness.
Our curriculum intent is underpinned by the National Curriculum. Subject leaders have worked hard to make sure that knowledge and skills build upon each other as the children progress through Tiptoe school. We have also made sure that our cross-curricular approach ensures that meaningful links are made meaning the children can gain transferable skills and powerful knowledge. A huge part of this are our Tiptoe Learning Powers which are life skills that are threaded through our whole curriculum. Each power is assigned to an animal to make it easier learn each important skill. At Tiptoe we believe that our curriculum and teaching methods will create enthusiastic learners who are prepared for the challenges and adventures that await them. The word tree above reflects how we at Tiptoe feel about our curriculum, and how we implement our long term plans. If you came into one of our lessons, looked at our books or spoke to one of our pupils they would echo this approach.
We are all on this journey together and because of this we are continually reflecting on the impact of our teaching through assessment, pupil voice, discussions, learning walks and book and data scrutiny. If we need to adapt our teaching we will, because the most important thing is that our pupils are challenged, prepared and happy. We want our children to leave us with a sense of belonging, to feel a valued member of their community, and to be well – rounded lifelong learners.
Each term we send out Curriculum Newsletters to parents to explain their child's learning, these are on the class pages. Please click on the link below to view our current curriculum for each class:
Penguins and Seals KS 1 Curriculum Overview 2023-24
Meerkats Yr 3/4 Curriculum Overview 2023-24
Jaguars Yr 5/6 Curriculum Overview 2023-24
Remote Learning
In the event of a whole class or school closure we will revert to remote learning via our Google Classroom Platform