Tiptoe Primary

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Results/Performance Tables

We are incredibly proud of all our pupils. The results achieved at the end of year 6 are a result of 7 years hard work by the whole teaching team, the children and their families. 

These tables show the percentage of Year 6 pupils achieving each outcome in 2024, compared to national end of Key Stage 2 Teacher Assessment Levels and Test Results for 2019 (this is the most current National data). 

The green cells show where the school significantly outperformed other schools nationally. 

The table below shows our Key Stage 2 Results for 2024. (Mainstream pupils only)

 Key Stage 2 Reading Writing Maths  Spag
 % of pupils at Tiptoe achieving age  expectations in mainstream  100% 94% 100% 100%
 National Data 75%  78% 76%  76%
% of pupils at Tiptoe achieving a higher level of attainment in mainstram 52% 24% 24% 47%
National Data 28% 20% 23% 23%


 DFE Performance Tables

The following link will take you to view the DFE performance tables. Here you can find our school's performance in relation to other Hampshire schools and schools nationally.

Please note that the tables below include results from our Severe/Moderate learning difficulty and our Communication and Language difficulty provisions and therefore does not reflect a true picture of our mainstream school.

 DFE Performance Tables

Tiptoe School Performance Tables