We are committed to providing a safe and secure environment for your child.
What it looks like at Tiptoe School
All policies regularly reviewed by Governors within statutory guidelines
Other Documents:-
- Keeping Children Safe in Education 2021
- Working Together to Safeguard Children March 2015
Staff (including volunteers):-
- Designated Safeguarding Lead appointed & deputy – all matters to be referred through them. In their absence there is an emergency number on staff board. All staff lanyards have emergency number on back.
- Induction for all new staff, volunteers & governors
- All adults in school DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) checked & disqualification forms held
- All staff given Dept. For Education “Keeping Children Safe in Education “
- Single Check Register held & maintained
- Annual safeguarding audit completed by senior leadership team (SLT) & verified by governors & action plan devised
- Governors undertake spot checks of staff and single check register
- Understanding of Prevent – the government’s counter-terrorist strategy which aims to reduce risk faced from radicalisation by stopping people becoming radicalised or supporting terrorism. It promotes collaboration and co-operation among organisations, in order to provide support to vulnerable individuals.
- Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) – HS & CH trained (& refresh diarised)
- Prevent Training – HS completed & disseminated to staff
- Whole school safeguarding training held every 3 years
- Annual in- house whole school safeguarding training held
- Trained Designated Teacher – Looked After Child( LAC) – JM
- Health & Safety – all training current (diarised for refreshers)
Health & Safety:-
- Risk Assessments completed & diarised for review
- Termly health & safety inspections held with staff & governors & action plan devised
- Annual ROSPA check
- Annual PAT (portable applicance testing) testing & equipmemt check
- School Building security – all visitors must access via office
- Comprehensive trips & journeys pack – office ensure all relevant documentation is held before trip leaves site
- Comprehensive child protection records held securely by Headteacher with summary of recent actions
- Safeguarding at home time pack for each class – details of adults allowed to collect child/court orders/clubs
- Intimate Care Plans – held & agreed by parents
- Emotional support – Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) /Theraputic story writing/Talk & draw/Circle time etc – lots of opportunities for children to talk
- Taxi procedure
- All relevant safeguarding documentation forwarded to new setting when child transfers
Good links with external agencies eg Clifford Centre/ Early Help Hub/ Parent Support (school partially funds this)
Open door policy for all - parents are able to speak with Headteacher about concerns for both their own child and others.