Tiptoe Primary

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Wrap Around Care & After School Clubs

At Tiptoe School we offer a wide variety of before & after school clubs.

Breakfast ClubThere are two different supervised breakfast options before the school day.

Breakfast Club – £3.50 per session - Our breakfast club opens at 8am and offers a relaxed atmosphere for children to eat a healthy breakfast, socialise and play before school.

Breakfast Drop Off - £1.00 per session - An early drop off for children to help reduce the current parking congestion and help with busy family life! Open from 8.30am, the children will be provided with toast and water.

After School Care Club  - Runs every day from 3.30pm - 5.30pm

For further info please here

£5.00 - Pick up by 4.30pm or attending for an additional hour following an afterschool club or £10.00 - Pick up by 5.30pm

After School Clubs

Payments for all clubs must be made on-line via SCOPay or by cheque made payable to HCC.

Click HERE to access SCOPAY