Parent Council
We have a thriving parent council at Tiptoe.
The Parent Council is a group of parents who have voluteered to represent parent views. Parent Councils have an important role to play in school improvement by ensuring that the parental perspective is represented and taken into account.
What is the role of the Parent Council?
The Parent Council helps to create an environment where all parents know that their views matter, and where they feel confident and comfortable putting them forward. They work on behalf of all parents to discuss educational matters that are of importance to all. They do not get involved in individual matters relating to children or staff in the school.
Mrs Slater facilitates the parents council and liases with staff. Each class has a whats app group where parents can discuss what's going well and any developments or suggestions to discuss at the next meeting.
What impact has there been?
Issues discussed
- Wearing P.E. kit to schoool is working really well. It is being washed more frequently and school uniform is lasting longer.
- Spellings in reading challenges is also a good system.
- Ensuring everyone is on the class whatsapp group, councillors spoke to the office and to other parents -please let us know if you are not included and you would like to be.
- Meetings to continue on a Monday after school.
- Parents had been concerned that when a parent offers to help on a trip they don't always hear back. Teachers have agreed and will now confirm whether you are needed or not.
- We discussed getting washable white board pens so that they will wash out of jumpers. Teachers are trialing different pens and reminding children to be careful not to get pen on their tops.
- The councillors asked for their names to go on the newsletter this was done and will happen regularly.
- We discussed the parking outside especially after school. A reminder has been put on the newsletter that parents at first pick up need to leave promptly to allow the next pick up to run smoothly. Mrs Smith is arranging a meeting with our local PCSO to discuss other initiatives to help with this.
- There was discussion around fundraising and that the cost of living crisis is impacting families. This was a concern around limiting the amount of money based events.
- Newsletters need to be on a more mobile friendly format. A parent offered to come into school to show the office different formats that may work better.
- A system for electronic forms for sporting events and trips would be preferable to parents.