Tiptoe Primary

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RE at Tiptoe




At Tiptoe Primary School, our RE curriculum is designed with the intent that our children will become resilient, accepting, mindful and inquisitive learners. Our R.E. curriculum allows children to discover and gain an insight into religions within the world that we live. We see the teaching of R.E. is vital for children to understand others beliefs and make connections between their own values. It is our role to ensure pupils are being respectful and asking questions about the world around them by allowing pupils to gain the skills to build on this knowledge and understanding throughout their lives.

Schools have to teach RE but parents can withdraw their children for all or part of the lessons.


The purpose of Religious Education is to support the development of children’s own values and contribute to their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. It gives the children an opportunity to interpret and respond to a variety of concepts, beliefs and practices within religions and to their own and others cultural and life experiences. This takes the form of encountering religious stories, festivals, artefacts, places of worship, rituals and beliefs.

We seek to nurture in our children to respect the beliefs and opinions of others in our own school  as well as in the wider community and in turn this supports and nurtures their understanding of our British Values.


Tiptoe Primary School follows the agreed syllabus for Hampshire called  ‘The Living Difference IV’

Living Difference IV

Living Difference IV is the Agreed Syllabus for Hampshire schools and is the legal document to be followed for the teaching of religious education. 

At Tiptoe Primary School our RE lessons strive to promote rich discussions and  a high level of questioning and reflection. This enables children to gain an understanding of different beliefs, and it encourages the children to become respectful of others religious beliefs as well as encouraging them to develop their own beliefs, values and attitudes. We enable children to learn in an environment where they can develop their understanding and ask questions in a way that is respectful to others.

The Living Difference syllabus is delivered through concepts and takes an enquiry based approach using concepts as a starting point.  Children are supported to explore concepts that are meaningful to them such as thankfulness, special, before considering the view point of other religions.

The children in Years R, 1 & 2 explore the beliefs and traditions of Christians which is part of the Abrahamic tradition and then the beliefs of Jews . Years 3 and 4 will explore Christianity and Hinduism and in years 5 and 6 Christianity and Islam. Lessons are taught in a block each half term with a concept as a focus.  During these units of work, the pupils take part in class/group discussions, drama activities, watch video clips, and we aim to go on visits and/or have visitors to the school.


Evidence of progress in religious education

  • Evidence of children and young people’s progress will be captured in a number of ways, for example through speaking and listening, drama, dialogue and discussion, as well as through a variety of different written activities.
  • The age-related expectations are used to act as a guide to the assessment of children and young people's progress in religious education.
  • We believe that the skills taught in RE can be transferred into other areas of their learning and providing the cgildren with life long skills. The children build upon and develop these skills as they become more confident in exploring the RE concepts.

    RE progression of skills