Tiptoe Primary

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The Friends of Tiptoe School


The Friends of Tiptoe School is a registered charity with the purpose of enhancing school facilities and school life for our pupils and their families.  The committee meets on a regular basis and all members are parents of children at our school who volunteer their time and skills.

In the past, we have held a range of events including fetes, film nights, raffles, discos and craft sessions. We also support school events by providing refreshments and help when required. These events have raised a substantial amount of money and with this we have purchased, amongst other things, a projector and screen for the hall, costumes and staging for productions and improved playground areas and equipment.   

New committee members are welcome and encouraged at any time and we are also grateful for ad-hoc help with events and projects. You can find out more about the committee, our upcoming events and opportunities to volunteer on our website below.https://www.pta-events.co.uk/friendsoftiptoeschool/

You can also register on the website to buy tickets for upcoming events and order pre-loved uniform from our second hand shop.